Monday, 25 June 2007

wild weather

It's been raining again all day. Richard had to pop out to get a few things from Tesco, but the road was closed due to flooding - so he went to the local co-op in the village. 2 girls from church that live at the bottom of the road were there, so Richard offered them a lift home. They said yes please but you must come and look at fairway park first.

This park is off the road that is at the bottom of our road - the one that we would walk across to go to grandma's house. This is about 200 yards from our house! As you can see - I don't think I'll take the girls to play there today!!

1 comment:

Steve said...

You've been having your fair share of rain then. The Echo in Bournemouth had a article today saying that Dorset has escaped the worst of weather faced by the rest of the country. Even so it looks like we will have a wet Helping Hands Day on Saturday :(