Saturday, 16 June 2007

Liesl's Testimony

A few weeks ago Liesl (my 3yr old) had got very upset because she says that she has bad dreams. I suggested that she asked Heavenly father in prayer to help her not have any bad dreams. with tears rolling down her face she exclaimed "but how can he help me when he's dead" I asked her what she meant, "well i'm down here and he's up there - so how can he help me?". I told her that I knew Heavenly Father hears our prayers and would help us - we just needed faith. To that she became more upset and in floods of tears said "but I don't know how to have faith!" I reminded her of our previous discussions on faith being to believe something we couldn't see, and that like her sunflower seeds that have begun to grow, her faith would grow each time her prayers are answered. I asked her if she believed Heavenly Father could hear her prayers. She answered "Yes - but how does he stop my bad dreams when he's not here?". I replied that I don't know how he does all these wonderful things but that he is far more clever than mummy, but that i knew he could do anything. I asked her if she wanted to say the prayer, or did she want mummy to say it. She wanted me to, so I did. After the prayer we had a cuddle and she fell quickly asleep. In the morning, I tentatively asked her if she had had a good sleep. With a huge smile across her face she answered "yes, and I didn't have ANY bads dreams!" I let her know that her own seed of faith had started to grow.

1 comment:

Helen said...

That's really lovely. Thanks for sharing.